California Health Care Facility

DESCRIPTION: The California Health Care Facility Stockton is an intermediate-level medical and mental health care facility for inmate-patients within the California State prison system. This new facility is comprised of inmate-patient housing (1,722 Beds), diagnostic and treatment centers, a central utility plant, central kitchen, materials service center, and facility support areas to total 1.2 Million GSF.
The project includes developing bridging and criteria documents, work plans, and system layout for California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) to delineate technologies to be used in a new 1,722 bed medical and mental health prison on the existing Stockton prison campus. LEED Silver.
2014 – DBIA National Award of Excellence, Healthcare.
2014 – Silver Award, Building Design + Construction Magazine.
2014 – International Partnering Institute Award.
LEED Silver Certification
LOCATION: Stockton, California
Bid Pack #1: 112,000 Square Feet
Bid Pack #2: 1,200,000 Square Feet
144 Acre Campus
1,722 Beds
CLIENT: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Lee, Burkhart, Liu, Inc. – Marina Del Rey, California
CGL Companies – Sacramento, California
Kitchell CEM – Sacramento, California
SECURITY ELECTRONICS CONTRACTOR: Metroplex Control Systems/ISI Security – San Antonio, Texas
SERVICES PROVIDED: Security Electronics System Design